Fryske bewenners hawwe de Wâlden...
Frisian residents have the forest…
Fryske - “Frisian.” FREEs-kuh.
Bewenners - “residents, inhabitants.” BUH-veh-nuhrs.
Hawwe - “they have.” HAH-vuh.
De - “the.” DUH.
Wâlden - “forests.” VAHL-duhn.
Hja libje froed en from, sljocht binn' se en rjocht.
They live modestly and piously, simply in their rightness.
Hja - “they.” HYAH.
Libje - “to live.” LIHb-yuh.
Froed - “modest.” FROO-uhd.
En - “and.” EHN.
From - “pious, devout, reverent.” FROHm.
Sljocht (old spelling sljucht) - “smooth, simple.” SLYOHcht.
Binn’ se - “they are.” BIHN SUH.
Rjocht (old spelling rjucht) - “right, straight, law.” RYOHcht.
Eang fan útwrydskens, gol en ienfâldich...
Avoiding flamboyance, frank and humble...
Eang - "afraid,
anxious." IH-uhng.
Fan - "of, by."
Útwrydskens - "exceptionality, flamboyance."
Gol - “frank, open-hearted.” GOHL.
En - “and.” EHN.
Ienfâldich - “simple, humble, uncomplicated, straightforward.”
Altyd deselde, wêr't men se sjocht.
Forever the same, wherever people see them.
Altyd - “always, forever” AHL-teed.
Deselde - “the same.” DEH-SEHL-duh. Selde means “same.”
Wêr - “where.” VEHr.
(short form of it) - “the, it.” UHt.
Men - “one, a person, they, people,
you.” MUHn.
Se - “they, she.” SUH.
Sjocht – “see, look, watch.” SYOHcht.