De gerdinen binne ta.
The curtains are closed (or: tight, shut).
[duh guh-DEEN-uhn BIHN-nuh TAH.]
De doar is ta.
The door is shut.
[duh DWAWR IHs TAH.]
In another example, we can see the "to" meaning combined with the idea of an ending, a limit, or closing:
Hy stie oan 'e knibbels ta yn 't wetter.
He stood up to his knees in water.
[HIGH shTEE AWN uh knIHb-buhls TAH EENt VEHt-tuhr.]
The underlying idea of going towards a place, but with a limitation on time or space (there and no further), shows up again here:
He must go to the bathroom.
...until the end of the year...
[AWN uh IHGn fAWN uht EEr TAH...]
Meshing a bit with the idea of limitation or closing, ta can also sometimes be used to express adversity or as a word of emphasis:
Really think about it!
It's going to take effort.
Of course, sometimes ta means "to" like you'd hope and expect.
To call people to the feast. come to Ljouwert (Leeuwarden) in August.