DE WÂLDSANG - "The Forest Song" - Part II
This is the second entry about the first verse of De Wâldsang. Part I is available here. The last
lesson provided a link of Anneke Douma singing the song. Her
pronunciation does vary a bit from the pronunciations I gave in the previous post. If you wish to hear another version of De Wâldsang that follows the first lesson more closely, start the Keallepoaten YouTube video at 3:05.
Sjongende fûgels, sânnich de grûn…
Note that the r
is rolled in Frisian.
Let's finish up with first verse! I'm planning to post shorter entries on the next two verses, but I am also in the middle of moving. So, this may take some time.
Merry laughing
farmland, healthy grassland…
Blier means merry
and is said with a look “ee” as in “leek” followed by a schwa. BLEE-uhr.
Laitsje means “to laugh” and is said with the same
vowel combination in “light.” The ending takes a schwa. LIGH-tsuh.
Boulân is the word
for farmland. It is said with the "ow" sound in the verb "bow" or, better yet, the English word "plough" (which can help with memorization). Lân
means “land” and sounds like the English word “lawn.” According to P. Sipma, bou by itself means pasture-land. BAU-lahn.
I have to make an educated guess for tierige, as I cannot find a direct translation in any of my Frisian
language resources. I believe that it means “healthy.” It is said with a long
“ee” sound as in the English word “tear,” followed by schwas in the final
syllables. TEEuhr-uh-guh.
Greide means
grassland. It said with the same vowel in “ride” or “light”: think of riding
through the grasslands. The second syllable takes a schwa in the singular and plural
forms. GRIGH-duh, GRIGH-duhn.
Singing birds, sandy
Sjonge means “to
sing”. It is said with a -y- gliding into a long “oh” as in “lone.” In sjongende, the final two syllables take
a schwa. SYOHN-guh-duh.
Fûgel is West Frisian for
“bird.” Say the first syllable with the long "oo" sound in "flew" or "food." and with a shwa in the second syllable. FOO-guhl.
Sân means "sand" (or "seven" in other contexts).
De means "the" and is said with a schwa.
Grûn means "ground." It is said with the long "oo" in moon. GROOn.
Part I in this series is available here.
Part III, the second verse, is available here.
Part I in this series is available here.
Part III, the second verse, is available here.
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