ÛNGELOK - "accident"

Did you know that Omrop Fryslân offers audio versions of many of their news updates? For this lesson, please go to the article linked here and click on the "Harkje" button below the text: you'll be able to listen to the article being read. Unfortunately, this is not the most cheerful story ever, with the news being the news.

I won't be doing a word-by-word review for this particular lesson, but will provide a translation into English:

Frisian skipper's deadly accident

Feb. 16, 2014 - 6:49 P.M. - At a container terminal in the port of Rotterdam on Sunday afternoon, a 56-year-old inland-navigation skipper from Leeuwarden (Ljouwert) had his life come to an end through an accident. A section of steel fell from a crane and on pilothouse of the ship, just the place where the victim was. (Note: telâne is another word for teplak or terjochte, meaning roughly "just the place" or "in its place.") The Leeuwardener is dead from the blow.

His 60-year-old wife and an employee of the terminal was injured by the accident.She was transferred to the hospital. Nothing about the circumstances of the accident is known yet.


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